All notable changes to this project are documented in this file.
- Added support for declaring functions in the language.
- Added support for re-exporting types from other files using `export * from "./other_file.slint";`.
- LSP: highlight and renaming of element id.
- online editor: Add zoom to the preview.
- VSCode and online editor: Added UI to edit and remove property bindings.
- Fixed privacy rules in global properties. #1951
- Fixed drawing of images with the software renderer.
- Fixed `visible` property on element with drop shadow. #1460
- Warn on bad use of ListView. #860
- Fixed two way bindings between globals.
- Fixed scrolling of preview area in online editor.
- When using a two way binding `foo <=> bar`, the default value will always be the one of `bar`.
There was a warning about this change in previous versions (#1394).
- Disallow overrides or duplicated declarations of callbacks. Previously they were silently overwritten,
now an error is produced.
- The name `init` is now a reserved name in callbacks and properties.
- In the interpreter, calling `set_property` or `get_property` on properties of the base returns an error.
- Deprecated `slint::WindowEvent` and `slint::PointerEventButton` and moved them to the `slint::platform` module.
- Renamed the `Keys` namespace for use in `key-pressed`/`key-released` callbacks to `Key`. The
old name continues to work.
- The style or the backend now always set a value for the `Window`'s `default-font-size` property.
- Added new `material` style based on Material Design, with `material-light` and `material-dark` as variants.
- Added `Window::is_visible` in Rust and C++.
- Added `From<char>` for `SharedString` in Rust.
- Added `KeyPressed` and `KeyReleased` variants to `slint::WindowEvent` in Rust, along
with `slint::platform::Key`, for use by custom platform backends.
- Added support for the implicitly declared `init` callback that can be used to run code when
an element or component is instantiated.
- Properties can be annotated with `in`, `out`, `in-out`, or `private`.
- Transitions can now be declared directly within the state.
- Online editor: The property view can now edit properties.
- LSP preview: When the cursor is on the name of an element, the element's location is highlighted in the preview.
- LSP: Added a setting to change the style and the include paths.
- Added `rem` as unit that represents a relative font size and is multiplied with the `Window.default-font-size` when used.
- Added `relative-font-size` as type that holds values of `rem`.
- Fluent style: SpinBox gets focus when buttons are clicked.
- Software renderer: Fix drawing the background color.
- Fix Rust code generation when comparing percentages (#1837).
- Fix `visible` property in `for` and `if` (#1846).
- The property `Window::background` is now a brush instead of a color (allowing gradients).
- Switch to yeslogic-fontconfig-sys from servo-fontconfig dependency. This allows for fontconfig
to be a run-time dependency via dlopen.
- Skia renderer: Improvements to text input.
- Added `slint::FilterModel`, `slint::MapModel` to the C++ API.
- Added `slint::SortModel` to Rust and C++ API.
- Added `VecModel::extend` and `VecModel::extend_from_slice`.
- Online editor: Added "Properties" and "Outline" tabs.
- Added initial support for input methods with pre-edit text.
- Added a dark theme for the Fluent style, which is automatically selected if the system
color scheme is dark.
- Added `fluent-light` and `fluent-dark` as explicit styles to select a light/dark variant,
regardless of the system color scheme setting.
- TextInput now shows the text mouse cursor.
- In Flickable, added a small delay before passing the Press pointer event to the children.
- Online editor: Fixed "go to definition" across files.
- Fixed a panic in the slint compiler when visiting layout properties for loop analysis (#1659).
- Fixed compilation error in the generated code (#1733, #1735).
- `mod` now works on any numeric type, not only integers.
- The "backend-gl-*" Rust crate features for configuring the GL renderer have been
changed and split by renderer.
- `VecModel::remove` now returns the removed element.
- `slint::invoke_from_event_loop` and `slint::quit_event_loop` now return a Result.
- Added the `platform` module providing API to use slint on bare metal with a software renderer.
- Added an experimental Skia renderer.
- `Button`: Add a `checkable` property that turns the button into a toggle
button. Use the new `checked` property to query whether the toggle button
is pressed down or not.
- Added support for `slint::Window::set_position` and `slint::Window::position` to set and get the
placement of the window on the screen.
- Added `slint::Window::scale_factor()` as getter to read the system device pixel ratio.
- Added support for `slint::Window::set_size` and `slint::Window::size` to set and get the
size of the window on the screen.
- Added `slint::Window::dispatch_event` and `slint::WindowEvent` to be able to manually
send a mouse or touch event to a window.
- Added `animation-tick()`.
- `SharedString` implements `std::fmt::Write` and added `slint::format!`.
- `Image` can now be rotated with the `rotation-*` properties.
- Use docking widgets and integration of slint-lsp into the [Online Code Editor](
### Fixed
- Fixed Ctrl+Backspace/Ctrl+Del not deleting words in text input elements.
- Resizing of live-preview window in the IDE integrations.
- Preferred size of the TabWidget in the fluent style take in account the size of the tabs (#1363).
- Fixed cursor behavior when typing the Enter key at the end of a TextEdit (#1318).
- Fixed starting and stopping `slint::Timer` from withing their callback (#1532).
### Changed
- Interpreter: Implement `TryFrom<Value>` instead of `TryInto for Value` (#1258)
### Added
- Added `read-only` property to `TextInput`, `TextEdit` and `LineEdit`.
- VSCode extension can be installed as a web extension. (eg, from
- LSP: completion of `@` macros
- LSP: completion of element that require an import
- Basic accessibility support using the `accessible-` properties
### Fixed
- GL backend: Fixed animation sometimes not starting from input event (#1255)
- C++ fix compilation when writing to the model data
- Fix mouse exit events not triggered by scrolling a Flickable (#1107)
### Fixed
- Fixed crashes with the Qt backend in release mode. (#1230)
- Fixed panic when drop-shadow is used in a ListView (#1233)
- Fixed combining a brush and a color to always convert to brush, to avoid loosing gradient information (#1235)
- Fixed properties not having the right default value when set by some states (#1237)
- Fixed properties with multiples aliases, and default values.
- Enable fontdb's fontconfig feature to fix finding some fonts (#1240)
### Changed
- On wasm, the input event are handled via a hidden `<input>` element, allowing the keyboard
to show on mobile platform
- The size of the window is kept when reloading a window in the preview (instead of being reset to the preferred size)
- Minimum rust version is now 1.59
### Added
- Support for keyboard focus with the tab key
- Support more keyboard shortcut in the editing element
- Added `From<&str>` and `From<SharedString>` to `StandardListViewItem` to make creation and modification of `StandardListView`'s models easier.
- Added `on_close_requested` function to `Window` to register callbacks that are emitted when the user tries to close a window.
- Added `VecModel::set_vec` to replace the entire contents with new data.
- Added a `cache-rendering-hint` boolean property that can be applied to any element, to hint to the renderer that it should cache the element and its children
into a cached layer. This may speed up rendering of complex sub-trees if they rarely change.
- The `brighter` and `lighter` functions also work on values of type brush.
- Added a `reset` function to C++'s `Model`, Rust's `ModelNotify` and JS's `ModelPeer`
- Added a `row_data_tracked` function to `ModelExt` (an extension to the Model trait)
### Fixed
- Fixed application of the `opacity` property evenly to child elements (#725).
- Windows: Fixed font lookup of strings including several scripts (eg, containing asian characters)
- Fixed PopupWindow in a repeater (#1113, #1132)
- LSP: do not always resize the preview window to its preferred each time the code is modified
### Added
- C++ interpreter API: added a `Value::Value(int)` constructor
- Global singletons in `.slint` files may now refer to other global singletons
- Added `input-type` property to `TextInput` and `LineEdit` that allows for characters to be replaced in password fields
- The `SpinBox` widget now handles up and down key events
- `TouchArea::has-hover` is now properly set to false when the mouse leaves the window
- Fixed some cases of panics with 'Constant property being changed'
- Better compilation error when selecting unknown styles
- Fixed duplicated key event for some keys (such as tab) with the GL backend
- Improved property optimizations by inlining some bindings and remove more unused properties
This version changes some APIs in incompatible ways. For details how to migrate your application code, see the [C++ migration guide](api/cpp/docs/
as well as the [Rust migration guide for the `sixtyfps` crate](api/rs/slint/ and for the
[`slint-interpreter` crate](internal/interpreter/
### Changed
- Minimum rust version is now 1.56
- C++ compiler requires C++20
- In the C++ interpreter API `std::span` is used for callbacks arguments, instead of `sixtyfps::Slice`
- `Model::row_data` will now return a `Option<T>` / `std::optional<T>` instead of a plain `T`.
- `Model::model_tracker` no longer has a default implementation.
- The deprecated methods `Model::attach_peer` and `ModelNotify::attach` were removed.
- The interpreter does not differentiate anymore between `Value::Array` and `Value::Model`
everything is a `Value::Model`, which now contains a `ModelRc`
- In Rust, `slint::SharedPixelBuffer` and `slint::SharedImageBuffer` now use a `u32` instead of `usize` for `width`, `height` and `stride`.
- In Rust and C++, `slint::Image::size()` now returns an integer size type.
- `sixtyfps::interpreter::CallCallbackError` was renamed to `slint::interpreter::InvokeCallbackError`
- Some deprecation warning in .60 became hard errors
- `slint::interpreter::ComponentInstance` in Rust now implements `slint::ComponentHandle`. This removes `sixtyfps_interpreter::WeakComponentInstance` in favor
of `slint_interpreter::Weak<slint_interpreter::ComponentInstance>`.
- For the Rust API crate, the Rust Interpreter API crate, the `backend-gl`, `x11`, and `wayland` features were renamed to `backend-gl-all`, `backend-gl-x11`, and `backend-gl-wayland`.
- The animation `loop-count` property was replaced by `iteration-count` (which is the same as `loop-count` plus one)
### Added
- `TextEdit::font-size` and `LineEdit::font-size` have been added to control the size of these widgets.
- Added `slint::Window::set_rendering_notifier` to get a callback before and after a new frame is being rendered.
- Added `slint::Window::request_redraw()` to schedule redrawing of the window contents.
### Fixed
- Models initialized from arrays are now also mutable when run in the interpreter.
- Fixed compilation error when accessing object members of array through the array index syntax
Olivier Goffart
### Changed
- **Breaking:** The internal key code for the keys left, right, home and end
has changed. This was undocumented, but if you were handling this in the
Olivier Goffart
`FocusScope` event, these keys will now be ignored. Use the `Keys.LeftArrow`
and other code exposed in the `Keys` namespace instead.
- For `sixtyfps::Timer` (C++ and Rust), it's now possible to call `restart()` after
a timer has been stopped previously by calling `stop()`.
- Property access in `.60` was optimized by doing more constant propagation.
Olivier Goffart
- Color names can now be accessed through the `Colors` namespace (in `.60`).
- Math function are now available through the `Math` namespace (in `.60`).
- `TouchArea` gained a `mouse-cursor` property to change the mouse cursor.
Olivier Goffart
- More special keyboard key codes are provided in the `FocusScope`, and
special keys are handled
- `start()`, `stop()`, `running()` and a default constructor for C++ `sixtyfps::Timer`
- Property animations now have a `delay` property, which will delay the start
of the animation. Use this to create sequential animations.
- Rust: Added `sixtyfps::VecModel::insert(&self, index, value)`.
- C++: Added `sixtyfps::VecModel::insert(index, value)`.
- Added ability to access elements of a model with the `[index]` syntax.
- Memory leak in C++.
- Native style: Colors are updated automatically when the Windowing system switches to and from dark mode (#687)
- Ctrl/Command+X in text fields copies the selected text to the clipboard and deletes it (cut).
- Improved native ComboBox look.
- Fixed panics or compilation error when using two way bindings on global properties.
### Changed
- The sixtyfps compiler no longer "inline" all the elements, resulting in faster compilation
time and smaller binaries.
- Implemented basic constant propagation in the sixtyfps compiler
- The Slider's changed callback was not being called with the fluent style (#621).
- Fixed compilation error in C++'s `sixtyfps::blocking_invoke_from_main_loop` when the callable returns `void` (#623).
- Improve rendering quality on High-DPI screens on Windows when using Qt.
- Fixed linking errors when selecting the native style on Windows with C++.
- Fixed the maximization button in the window decoration when a window has a fixed size.
- The TouchArea now grabs the mouse for every button instead of just the left button.
- The ScrollView's default viewport size is no longer hardcoded to 1000px but depends on the contents.
- In Rust, the `sixtyfps::Model` trait deprecates the `attach_peer` function in favor of `model_tracker`, where all
you need to do is return a reference to your `sixtyfps::ModelNotify` field.
- Enable support for compressed SVG (.svgz).
- Viewer: added possibility to set shell callback handler with `--on <callback> <handler>`.
- It is now possible to query the length of a model with `.length`.
- Fixed the `PointerEvent.kind` always being down.
- `LineEdit.has-hocus` with the native style
## [0.1.3] - 2021-10-06
- Due to changes in the build system, the C++ build now requires CMake >= 3.19.
- Fluent style: The Slider and ScrollBar now updates as the mouse moves.
- Parentheses around callable expression is now deprecated.
- Naming a callback without calling it is now a hard error instead of producing error in the generated code.
- New `no-frame` property of a `Window` which changes it to borderless/frameless
- sixtyfps-compiler and slint-viewer can read the .60 file content from stdin by passing `-`
- slint-viewer gained ability to read or save the property values to a json file with `--save-data` and `--load-data`
- `sixtyfps::Image` has now a `path()` accessor function in Rust and C++ to access the optional path
of the file on disk that's backing the image.
- New `moved` and `pointer-event` callback in `TouchArea`
- Fixed panic when using `TabWidget` with `Text` elements and the native style.
- Fixed panic when calling `hide()` on a `sixtyfps::Window` from within a callback triggered by keyboard/mouse input
when using the GL backend.
- Rust: The implementation of <code>ModelModel::set_row_data</code> now forward the call to the inner model
Simon Hausmann
- Apply the default text color from the style for the `color` of `Text` and `TextInput` elements, to contrast
correctly with the application of `Window`'s `background` property.
- LineEdit scrolls to keep the cursor visible
- The `clicked` callbacks are now only emitted if the release event is within the TouchArea's geometry
- parentheses around the condition are no longer needed in `if` elements: `if condition : Foo { ... }`
Simon Hausmann
- One can now set an alias from the root to a global callback
- It is now possible to access properties and callback of exported global objects from the native code (#96)
- C++ API: `blocking_invoke_from_event_loop`: a blocking version of `invoke_from_event_loop`
- TextInput can support multiple line by setting single-line to false
- The CMake integration now allows enabling/disabling SixtyFPS library features, such as Wayland support
or the dynamic run-time interpreter.
- Added `image-rendering` property to Image to control how the image is scaled
- The interpreter API correctly return an error instead of panicking when setting properties or calling callbacks
that don't exist
- The `has-hover` property is correctly reset the false when releasing the mouse outside the touch area
- Fixed lookup scope when resolving model expression in `for` or `if` constructs:
the `self` element now refers to the correct element instead of the root.
- Rust: default to the native style if Qt is available
- Rust: deprecated `SharedVector::as_slice_mut()`. Use `SharedVector::make_mut_slice()` instead.
- The default non-native widget style is now the new "fluent" style.
- The internal normalization of identifiers is using `-` instead of `_`, this is an internal
change, but it can be seen in error messages. When listing properties the identifiers are
preserved. For fields in structures they are normalized.
- Show a compilation error when there are duplicated element ids.
- The `clip` property can now be any expression.
- `ComboBox` now has a `selected` callback.
- `Window` now has an `icon` property.
- Added `sixtyfps::Weak::upgrade_in_event_loop` in the Rust API.
- Added `sixtyfps::Model::as_any()` in the Rust API.
- Added conversion between `sixtyfps::Image` and `sixtyfps::interpreter::Value` in the C++ API.
- Properties of type `angle` and `duration` are allowed in the public API.
- Every element now has a `visible` property.
- `Slider` now has a `changed` callback.
- Added `TabWidget` widget.
- Rust: `sixtyfps::Image` can now be constructed from image data provided by `sixtyfps::SharedPixelBuffer`.
Simon Hausmann
This enables integrating with other low-level software rendering or the the popular Rust image crate.
- VSCode extension: added an option to specify command line arguments for the LSP.
- GridLayout cells with colspan and rowspan respect properly their constraints.
- Don't panic when replacing programmatically text in a `TextInput` and then editing it.
- The default height of elements in a ListView no longer defaults to 100%.
- Fixed support for `*=` and `/=` on types with unit such as length.
- Don't panic when using a self assignment operator on an invalid type - this produces a compiler error
- Fixed angle conversion for values specified in radians, gradians and turns.
- Fixed SharedVector sometimes not allocating big enough storage.
- Layouts are now conceptually their own elements, meaning that the `x` and `y` properties of items
within layouts are relative to the layout and no longer to the parent element of layouts.
- The default spacing and padding of layouts is now 0 instead of being specific to the style.
There are now `HorizontalBox`, `VerticalBox`, `GridBox` widgets which have default spacing and padding.
- Setting the window `height` and `width` properties results in a fixed size. The `preferred-width`
and `preferred-height` property can be used to set the initial size and the window remains resizable
by the user, if the window manager permits.
- Binding loops are now detected at compile-time instead of panic at runtime.
- The `viewer` binary was renamed to `slint-viewer` and is now available via `cargo install` from
- The layout properties `minimum-width`, `maximum-height`, etc. were renamed to a shorter version `min-width`,
`max-height`. The old names are still supported as a deprecated alias.
- Warnings are now shown in the online code editor.
- `sixtyfps::invoke_from_event_loop` was added to the C++ and Rust APIs, to run a function in the UI thread from any thread.
- `sixtyfps::run_event_loop()` and `sixtyfps::quit_event_loop()` were added to the Rust and C++ APIs to start and quit the main event loop.
- `z` property on items.
- The type in two-way bindings can now be omitted.
- It's possible to declare aliases for callbacks (`callback clicked <=> other.clicked;`)
- The root element of an `if` or `for` can be given a name (`if (condition) name := Rectangle {}`)
- `sixtyfps::Image` is a new type in the public Rust and C++ API to load images from a path.
- The width and height of images is now accessible via the `width`or `height` of an `image` type property in .60 files (`some-image.source.width`)
- Fixed Mouse wheel to work on the `Flickable` element and derivatives.
- Fixed generated C++ code on Windows.
- Calling `debug(...)` no longer breaks the LSP.
- `ComponentDefinition::properties` only exposes public properties as documented.
- `Rectangle::color` was deprecated and replaced by `Rectangle::background`, same for `Window::color`
- `Path::fill-color` was renamed to `fill`, and `Path::stroke-color` was renamed to `stroke`, which are now brushes instead of color
- Many other color property became brush in order to support gradients
- the `resource` type was renamed to `image`
- Calling a callback is done from C++/Rust with `invoke_<name>` instead of `call_<name>`
### Added
- `@linear-gradient` can be used to have gradients on rectangle and paths
- `Image::colorize` allows to apply a color filter on image
- `0` can be converted to anything with units
- Support power of unit in intermediate expression. (eg: `3px * width / height` is now supported but used to be an error)
- The path fill rule can now be specified using `Path::fill-rule`.
- Support for `letter-spacing` in `Text`/`TextInput` elements.
- `rgb()` / `rgba()`
- Layout in Flickable
- LSP server with Live Preview and basic auto completion
- The viewer tool gained the `--auto-reload` argument
- Added `opacity` property that can be applied to elements
- Added `clip` property in Rectangle, including clipping for rounded rectangle
- API to load dynamically .60 files from C++ and Rust, including a way to embed sixtyfps widgets in Qt applications
- Preferred size in Layouts
- Math functions such as `sin`, `cos`, `sqrt`, ...
- New printer demo design
- Ability to load custom fonts using `import` statements
- `Image::image-fit`'s `cover` and `contains` variant are fixed to match the CSS spec
- Flickable without scrollbar
- Multiplying and dividing different units.
### Changed
- Renamed "signal" to "callback"
- And calling a callback is done from C++/Rust with `call_<name>` instead of `emit_<name>`
- Renamed "SharedArray" to "SharedVector" in the C++/Rust API
- Renamed Slider min and max property to minimum and maximum
- The graphics rendering backend was changed to use femtovg or Qt
- Renamed `initial-focus` to `forward-focus` as focus related property on elements
- The "align-" prefix was removed from `TextHorizontalAlignment` and `TextVerticalAlignment`. Either
change `align-left` to `left` or qualify with `TextHorizontalAlignment.left`.
- `$children` is replaced by `@children`
- `title` property to the Window element
- `color` property to the Window element
- `maximum`/`minimum` properties to the `SpinBox`
- strings can contain escape codes
- `Text` word wrap and elide
- `drop-shadow-*` properties (limited to `Rectangle` at the moment)
- `Window.default-font-family` and `Window.default-font-size`
### Changed
- Changed Rust `` API to use an opaque compiler configuration type
- With Rust, image resources are embedded in the binary by default.
- Updated Neon Version
### Fixed
- Fixed animations sometimes stopping mid-way.
- Fixed rendering of C++ components
- In C++, the generated component is now wrapped by a `ComponentHandle` smart pointer that acts like `std::shared_ptr`. New instances
are created using `T::create()`.
- In Rust, the generated component implements `Clone` and acts like an `Rc`. `sixtyfps::Weak` can be used to hold weak references.
- `ARGBColor` was renamed `RgbaColor`
- `width and `height` of some builtin elements now default to 100% of the parent element.
### Added
- Allow dashes in identifiers (#52)
- VerticalLayout / HorizontalLayout
- `Image` element: New source-clip-{x, y, width, height} properties
- `round`/`ceil`/`floor`/`mod`/`max`/`min`/`cubic-bezier` functions
- Signals can have return a value
- `has_hover` property in `TouchArea`
- `font-weight` property on Text
- `viewbox-x/y/width/height` and `clip` properties for `Path`
### Changed
- Default to the native style in the `viewer`, if available.
- Changed the name of the common logical pixel unit from `lx` to `px`. The less
often used physical pixel has now the `phx` suffix.
### Added
- Add support for more keyboard shortcuts to `TextInput`.
- Added a `current_item` to `StandardListView`.
- API cleanup in sixtyfps-node
### Fixed
- Fix occasional hang when navigating in `TextInput` fields with the cursor keys.
- Fix access to aliased properties from within `for` and `if` expressions.
- Fix `ScrollView` being scrollable when it shouldn't.
- Allow converting an object type to another even if it is missing some properties.
- Add missing frame drawing around `ScrollView`.
- Fix Clipping in scroll views in WASM builds.
- Fix resizing of `ListView`.