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# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

## [Unreleased]

## [0.0.4] - 2020-12-04

### Changed
 - Changed Rust `` API to use an opaque compiler configuration type
 - With Rust, image resources are embedded in the binary by default.
Olivier Goffart's avatar
Olivier Goffart 已提交
 - Updated winit version
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Olivier Goffart 已提交
 - Updated Neon Version

### Fixed
 - Fixed animations sometimes stopping mid-way.
 - Fixed rendering of C++ components
 - Fixed disabled widgets
## [0.0.3] - 2020-12-09
 - In C++, the generated component is now wrapped by a `ComponentHandle` smart pointer that acts like `std::shared_ptr`. New instances
   are created using `T::create()`.
 - In Rust, the generated component implements `Clone` and acts like an `Rc`. `sixtyfps::Weak` can be used to hold weak references.
 - `ARGBColor` was renamed `RgbaColor`
 - `width and `height` of some builtin elements now default to 100% of the parent element.
### Added
 - Allow dashes in identifiers (#52)
 - VerticalLayout / HorizontalLayout
 - Placeholder text in `LineEdit`
 - global components (#96)
Olivier Goffart's avatar
Olivier Goffart 已提交
 - `ComboBox` element
 - `PopupWindow` element
 - `Image` element: New source-clip-{x, y, width, height} properties
 - `sixtyfps::Timer` in Rust API
 - Transitions are now implemented
 - `round`/`ceil`/`floor`/`mod`/`max`/`min`/`cubic-bezier` functions
 - Signals can have return a value
Olivier Goffart's avatar
Olivier Goffart 已提交
 - `has_hover` property in `TouchArea`
 - `font-weight` property on Text
## [0.0.2] - 2020-10-22
### Changed
 - Default to the native style in the `viewer`, if available.
 - Changed the name of the common logical pixel unit from `lx` to `px`. The less
   often used physical pixel has now the `phx` suffix.

### Added
 - Add support for more keyboard shortcuts to `TextInput`.
Olivier Goffart's avatar
Olivier Goffart 已提交
 - Added a `current_item` to `StandardListView`.
 - API cleanup in sixtyfps-node
### Fixed
 - Fix occasional hang when navigating in `TextInput` fields with the cursor keys.
 - Fix access to aliased properties from within `for` and `if` expressions.
 - Fix `ScrollView` being scrollable when it shouldn't.
 - Fix appearance of natively styled scrollars.
 - Allow converting an object type to another even if it is missing some properties.
 - Add missing frame drawing around `ScrollView`.
 - Fix Clipping in scroll views in WASM builds.
 - Fix resizing of `ListView`.
Olivier Goffart's avatar
Olivier Goffart 已提交
 - Many more bugfixes

## [0.0.1] - 2020-10-13
 - Initial release.

Olivier Goffart's avatar
Olivier Goffart 已提交