# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
## [0.1.0] - 2021-06-29
- Layouts are now conceptually their own elements, meaning that the `x` and `y` properties of items
within layouts are relative to the layout and no longer to the parent element of layouts.
- The default spacing and padding of layouts is now 0 instead of being specific to the style.
There are now `HorizontalBox`, `VerticalBox`, `GridBox` widgets which have default spacing and padding.
- Setting the window `height` and `width` properties results in a fixed size. The `preferred-width`
and `preferred-height` property can be used to set the initial size and the window remains resizable
by the user, if the window manager permits.
- Binding loops are now detected at compile-time instead of panic at runtime.
- The `viewer` binary was renamed to `sixtyfps-viewer` and is now available via `cargo install` from
- The layout properties `minimum-width`, `maximum-height`, etc. were renamed to a shorter version `min-width`,
`max-height`. The old names are still supported as a deprecated alias.
- Warnings are now shown in the online code editor.
- `sixtyfps::invoke_from_event_loop` was added to the C++ and Rust APIs, to run a function in the UI thread from any thread.
- `sixtyfps::run_event_loop()` and `sixtyfps::quit_event_loop()` were added to the Rust and C++ APIs to start and quit the main event loop.
- `z` property on items.
- The type in two-way bindings can now be omitted.
- It's possible to declare aliases for callbacks (`callback clicked <=> other.clicked;`)
- The root element of an `if` or `for` can be given a name (`if (condition) name := Rectangle {}`)
- `sixtyfps::Image` is a new type in the public Rust and C++ API to load images from a path.
- The width and height of images is now accessible via the `width`or `height` of an `image` type property in .60 files (`some-image.source.width`)
- Fixed Mouse wheel to work on the `Flickable` element and derivatives.
- Fixed generated C++ code on Windows.
- Calling `debug(...)` no longer breaks the LSP.
- `ComponentDefinition::properties` only exposes public properties as documented.
- `Rectangle::color` was deprecated and replaced by `Rectangle::background`, same for `Window::color`
- `Path::fill-color` was renamed to `fill`, and `Path::stroke-color` was renamed to `stroke`, which are now brushes instead of color
- Many other color property became brush in order to support gradients
- the `resource` type was renamed to `image`
- Calling a callback is done from C++/Rust with `invoke_<name>` instead of `call_<name>`
### Added
- `@linear-gradient` can be used to have gradients on rectangle and paths
- `Image::colorize` allows to apply a color filter on image
- `0` can be converted to anything with units
- Support power of unit in intermediate expression. (eg: `3px * width / height` is now supported but used to be an error)
- The path fill rule can now be specified using `Path::fill-rule`.
- Support for `letter-spacing` in `Text`/`TextInput` elements.
- `rgb()` / `rgba()`
- Layout in Flickable
- LSP server with Live Preview and basic auto completion
- The viewer tool gained the `--auto-reload` argument
- Added `opacity` property that can be applied to elements
- Added `clip` property in Rectangle, including clipping for rounded rectangle
- API to load dynamically .60 files from C++ and Rust, including a way to embed sixtyfps widgets in Qt applications
- Preferred size in Layouts
- Math functions such as `sin`, `cos`, `sqrt`, ...
- New printer demo design
- Ability to load custom fonts using `import` statements
- `Image::image-fit`'s `cover` and `contains` variant are fixed to match the CSS spec
- Flickable without scrollbar
- Multiplying and dividing different units.
### Changed
- Renamed "signal" to "callback"
- And calling a callback is done from C++/Rust with `call_<name>` instead of `emit_<name>`
- Renamed "SharedArray" to "SharedVector" in the C++/Rust API
- Renamed Slider min and max property to minimum and maximum
- The graphics rendering backend was changed to use femtovg or Qt
- Renamed `initial-focus` to `forward-focus` as focus related property on elements
- The "align-" prefix was removed from `TextHorizontalAlignment` and `TextVerticalAlignment`. Either
change `align-left` to `left` or qualify with `TextHorizontalAlignment.left`.
- `$children` is replaced by `@children`
- `title` property to the Window element
- `color` property to the Window element
- `maximum`/`minimum` properties to the `SpinBox`
- strings can contain escape codes
- `Text` word wrap and elide
- `drop-shadow-*` properties (limited to `Rectangle` at the moment)
- `Window.default-font-family` and `Window.default-font-size`
### Changed
- Changed Rust `` API to use an opaque compiler configuration type
- With Rust, image resources are embedded in the binary by default.
- Updated Neon Version
### Fixed
- Fixed animations sometimes stopping mid-way.
- Fixed rendering of C++ components
- In C++, the generated component is now wrapped by a `ComponentHandle` smart pointer that acts like `std::shared_ptr`. New instances
are created using `T::create()`.
- In Rust, the generated component implements `Clone` and acts like an `Rc`. `sixtyfps::Weak` can be used to hold weak references.
- `ARGBColor` was renamed `RgbaColor`
- `width and `height` of some builtin elements now default to 100% of the parent element.
### Added
- Allow dashes in identifiers (#52)
- VerticalLayout / HorizontalLayout
- `Image` element: New source-clip-{x, y, width, height} properties
- `round`/`ceil`/`floor`/`mod`/`max`/`min`/`cubic-bezier` functions
- Signals can have return a value
- `has_hover` property in `TouchArea`
- `font-weight` property on Text
- `viewbox-x/y/width/height` and `clip` properties for `Path`
### Changed
- Default to the native style in the `viewer`, if available.
- Changed the name of the common logical pixel unit from `lx` to `px`. The less
often used physical pixel has now the `phx` suffix.
### Added
- Add support for more keyboard shortcuts to `TextInput`.
- Added a `current_item` to `StandardListView`.
- API cleanup in sixtyfps-node
### Fixed
- Fix occasional hang when navigating in `TextInput` fields with the cursor keys.
- Fix access to aliased properties from within `for` and `if` expressions.
- Fix `ScrollView` being scrollable when it shouldn't.
- Allow converting an object type to another even if it is missing some properties.
- Add missing frame drawing around `ScrollView`.
- Fix Clipping in scroll views in WASM builds.
- Fix resizing of `ListView`.